Colour of the sky

Concept Explanation

Colour of the Sky

Colour of the sky

On a clear, sunny day, the sky looks blue. Sunlight traveling through the atmosphere is scattered by the molecules of gases in the air, water droplets, dust particles, and so on. Of these, the smaller ones (like gas molecules) scatter more of the bluish lights. When the scattered light reaches our eyes, it makes the sky look blue.

Air pollution over cities causes large particles to be present in the air above them. Compared to small particles, these particles scatter lights of other colours better.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) When the scattered light reaches our eyes, it makes the sky look blue.

(b) The skies over cities look less blue than over open countryside.

(c) In space, there are no particles. So, when astronauts look away from the sun, they only see darkness.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Due to scattering of light the sky appear of _______________ .

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

The colour which is scattered the most in atmosphere is ____________________.

Right Option : B
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